Cats (2019)


'Cats' is a Movie Musical released in 2019. Directed by Tom Hooper.

The movie mainly got negative reviews, but is it really as bad as everyone says it is?


The movie starts and one of the main characters Victoria, played by Francesca Hayward, gets dumped and becomes a stray cat. She meets all kinds of cats who slowly explain to her how she can find out what kind of cat she is. Later, they all explain that a tribe of cats called "Jellicle Cats" come together once a year for a beautiful ball. Where one of the cats will be chosen to come back from the death as a better version of themselves. You will see every single cat explain why they should be chosen through song while evil cat Macavity (Idris Elba), tries to kidnap them one by one, so he would eventually be the only one left. At the end of the movie, a kind of saint cat called Old Deuteronomy (Judi Dench), will decide which cat wins and deserves a new life.


Let me just start by saying that the story is very simple. I don't understand why some people didn't get it. Maybe they were thinking about the plot too much or too far? I have no idea. I'm happy I ignored all the bad reviews and that I went to see it for myself to decide..


It was such a joy!! Throughout the whole film I was smiling. Personally, I never really liked and understood the stage version while I'm a huge musical freak, so I had no idea what to expect and had my doubts at first about going to see this one. I now finally understand the story, thanks to this movie, and appreciate the music much more!

The songs are on repeat at the moment :p

The colors and sets were breathtaking, the music sounded like heaven, and the actors were brilliant. Love that they casted new actors too, that felt fresh. The CGI really wasn't as bad as people were saying. People need to stop complaining and realize that these cats are magical cats. They aren't the cats we keep as pets. They are 'Jellicle Cats' and do not have to look like regular cats. Have people lost their imagination?? They also didn't frighten me at all, as some people said on social media. I'm amazed by what they can do nowadays, especially with the fur and cat ears.


Now something that wasn't in the movie, but I feel should be mentioned. Actors Rebel Wilson & James Corden, who play major roles in the movie, were mocking the special effects and the movie a lot and I feel that that just isn't right. People trusted you and gave you the opportunity to star in this movie. How freaking big do you think you are to talk down on something where lots of people worked their asses off for? You should stand behind your project. Whatever the press or movie fans are saying. Don't get me wrong, I am a huge fan of both Rebel and James, but this disappointed me. It's really unprofessional and it's need to be said. Now, back to the review ;-)

Conclusion, just go see it for yourself. Everyone has its own taste. It's obviously fine if you don't like it, but this movie certainly doesn't deserve so many bad reviews and money loss. I've seen far worse movies than this. I suggest before seeing it, to look for the story online and use your imagination while watching it ;)

But don't go watch it if Musicals aren't your thing. This is a 'Musical, Musical'.


Enjoy this beautiful dream! <3